



  • 如果其他类不应该使用嵌套类,则将嵌套类设为私有类


public interface List61B<Item> {  
public void addFirst(Item x);  
public void addLast(Item y);  
public Item getFirst();  
public Item getLast();  
public Item removeLast();  
public Item get(int i);  
public void insert(Item x, int position);  
public int size();  
public static String longest(List61B<String> list) {  
int maxDex = 0;  
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += 1) {  
String longestString = list.get(maxDex);  
String thisString = list.get(i);  
if (thisString.length() > longestString.length()) {  
maxDex = i;  
return list.get(maxDex);  

Java 有 8 种基本类型。 所有其他类型都是引用类型。

  • 例如,boolean的包装类是Boolean。
  • 如果 Java 代码需要包装类型并获取原语,则会自动装箱。
  • 如果代码需要一个原语并获得一个包装器,则它会被拆箱。
  • 数组永远不会自动装箱/拆箱,例如 Integer[] 不能用于
    int[] 的位置(反之亦然)。
  • 自动装箱/拆箱会对性能产生可衡量的影响!
  • 包装类型比原始类型使用更多的内存。
    public final ArrayDeque<String> d = new ArrayDeque<String>();
  • The d variable can never change, but the referenced deque can
    Arrays are covariant:
  • A FrenchDog is-a Dog.
  • An FrenchDog[] is-a Dog[].
    Generic types are invariant:
  • A List<FrenchDog> is NOT a List<Dog>.


import java.util.Objects;  
public class LinkedListDeque<T> {  
    public class Node {  
        Node next,prev=null;  
        T value;  
        public Node(T val) {  
        public Node() {  
    int size=0;  
    Node firstnode = new Node();  
    public LinkedListDeque() {  
    public boolean isEmpty() {  
        return Objects.equals(size,0);  
    public void addFirst(T item) {  
        Node new_node=new Node(item);  
        if (isEmpty()) {  
        else {  
    public void addLast(T item) {  
        Node new_node=new Node(item);  
        if (isEmpty()) {  
        else {  
    public int size() {  
        return size;  
    public void printDeque() {  
        Node temp=firstnode.next;  
        while (temp!= firstnode) {  
    public T removeFirst() {  
        if (isEmpty()) {  
            return null;  
        else if (size()==1) {  
            T val=firstnode.next.value;  
            return val;  
        else {  
            T val= firstnode.next.value;  
            return val;  
    public T removeLast() {  
        if (isEmpty()) {  
            return null;  
        else if (size()==1) {  
            T val;  
            return val;  
        else {  
            T val;  
            return val;  
    public T get(int index) {  
        if (index>size()-1) {  
            return null;  
        else {  
            Node temp = firstnode;  
            for (int i=0;i<index;i++) {  
            return temp.value;  


public void testMethod() {  
    assertEquals(<expected>, <actual>);  

创建 JUnit 测试文件时,应在每个测试方法前面加上 @Test注解,并且可以有一个或多个 assertEquals或者 assertTrue方法(由 JUnit 库提供)。 所有测试必须是非静态的。 这可能看起来很奇怪,因为您的测试不使用实例变量并且您 可能不会实例化该类。 然而,设计师们却是这样的 JUnit 决定应该编写测试,所以我们就这么做。








public class WeightedQuickUnionDSWithPathCompression implements DisjointSets {  
private int[] parent; private int[] size;  
public WeightedQuickUnionDSWithPathCompression(int N) {  
parent = new int[N]; size = new int[N];  
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {  
parent[i] = i;  
size[i] = 1;  
private int find(int p) {  
if (p == parent[p]) {  
return p;  
} else {  
parent[p] = find(parent[p]);  
return parent[p];  
public boolean isConnected(int p, int q) {  
return find(p) == find(q);  
public void connect(int p, int q) {  
int i = find(p);  
int j = find(q);  
if (i == j) return;  
if (size[i] < size[j]) {  
parent[i] = j; size[j] += size[i];  
else {  
parent[j] = i; size[i] += size[j];  





  • 如果我们分裂根,每个节点都会被下推一层。
  • 如果我们分割叶节点或内部节点,高度不会改变
    所有操作Θ(log N)


任何与 2-3 树保持等距的 BST 都具有以下属性:

  • 没有节点有两个红色链接(否则它就像一个 4 节点)。
  • 从根到叶子的每条路径都有相同数量的黑色链接。
  • 红色链接向左倾斜。
  • 也称为“左倾红黑二叉搜索树(LLRB)


如果 N 个项目分布在 M 个桶中,则平均时间取决于
N/M = L,也称为 负载系数 .
○ 平均运行时间为 Θ (L)。


二叉最小堆:二叉树完整,并服从 最小堆属性 .

  • 最小堆:每个节点都小于或等于其两个子节点。
  • 完整:仅在底层(如果有)缺少项目,所有节点都尽可能远


  • 节点遍历:前中后序
  • 层次遍历

public boolean equals(Object o) {    
    if (o==this) return true;    
    if (o==null) return false;    
    if (o.getClass()!=this.getClass()) return false;    
    SimpleOomage new_o=(SimpleOomage) o;    
    return new_o.blue==this.blue &&new_o.red==this.red && new_o.green==this.green;    







  • 因为它告诉你如何从源头到达一切。
    MST 没有来源。
    尽管如此,MST 有时恰好是特定顶点的 SPT



  • 选择排序:找到最小的项并将其放在前面。
  • 插入排序:找出当前项插入的位置。
  • 归并排序:将两个已排序的半部分合并为一个已排序的整体。
  • 分区(快速)排序:围绕枢轴对项目进行分区。



Quicksort is BST Sort


  • 切换到插入排序:- 当子问题大小减小到15或更小时,使用插入排序。
  • 使排序自适应:利用数组中已有的顺序(插入排序,平滑排序,TimSort(Python和Java中的排序))。
  • 利用键集的限制。如果键的个数是某个常数,例如[3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3, ..., 2, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3],可以更快排序(参见三路快速排序,如果你好奇可以看这里:http://goo.gl/3sYnv3)。
  • 对于快速排序:使算法具有自我检查能力,如果递归太深则切换到不同的排序方法。这只是确定性快速排序的问题。

在 Java 中,Arrays.sort(someArray) 使用:

  • 合并排序(特别是 TimSort 变体)如果 someArray 包含
  • 如果 someArray 由基本类型组成,则进行快速排序。


  1. We have that N! > (N/2) N/2
  • Taking the log of both sides, we have that log(N!) > log((N/2) N/2 ).
  • Bringing down the exponent we have that log(N!) > N/2 log(N/2).
  • Discarding the unnecessary constant, we have log(N!) ∈ Ω(N log (N/2)).
  • From there, we have that log(N!) ∈ Ω(N log N).
    • log(N!) = log(N) + log(N-1) + log(N-2) + …. + log(1)
  • N log N = log(N) + log(N) + log(N) + … log(N)
  • Therefore N log N ∈ Ω(log(N!))
N log N ∈ Θ(log N!)  
log N! ∈ Θ(N log N)  


  • Decision tree needs N! leaves.
  • So we need lg(N!) rounded up levels, which is Ω(log(N!))



Given a Trie with N keys, and a key with L digits. What is the:

  • Worst case insert runtime? Θ(L)
  • Worst case search runtime? Θ(L)
  • Best case search runtime? Θ(1)


  • Data-indexed array: Max speed, max memory.
  • TreeMap/HashMap: Slower query performance, but less memory wasted.



  • 为每个节点分配一个字符。
  • 给每个节点 3 个链接:
    ○ 如果键的下一个字符 < 节点的字符,则左链接。
    ○ 如果键的下一个字符 == 节点的字符,则中间链接。
    ○ 如果键的下一个字符 > 节点的字符,则右链接。
public class TST<Value> {  
    private int n;              // size  
    private Node<Value> root;   // root of TST  
    private static class Node<Value> {  
        private char c;                        // character  
        private Node<Value> left, mid, right;  // left, middle, and right subtries  
        private Value val;                     // value associated with string  
数据结构 平均复杂度 最坏情况 最好情况 内存消耗
哈希表 Θ(L)*   Θ(NL)
二叉搜索树 Θ(L log N) Θ(1) Θ(NL)
Trie (数组) Θ(L) Θ(1) Θ(NLR)
Trie (哈希表) Θ(L) Θ(1) Θ(NL)
Trie (树) Θ(L log R) Θ(1) Θ(NL)
TST Θ(NL) Θ(1) Θ(NL)

N keys, L digits per key, R alphabet size. A miss means the key isn’t present.


A prefix-free code is one in which no codeword is a prefix of any other. Example for

字符 编码
space 111
E 010
T 1101
A 1011
O 1001
I 1000

I ATE: 100011110111101010


  • Count relative frequencies of all characters in a text.
  • Split into ‘left’ and ‘right halves’ of roughly equal frequency.
    ○ Left half gets a leading zero. Right half gets a leading one.
    ○ Repeat.


  • Assign each symbol to a node with weight = relative frequency.
  • Take the two smallest nodes and merge them into a super node with weight
    equal to sum of weights.
  • Repeat until everything is part of a tree.
  • 将每个符号分配给一个节点,权重=相对频率。
  • 取两个最小的节点,合并成一个带权重的超级节点
  • 重复直到所有东西都是树的一部分。



  1. 为每种输入类型构建一个语料库。
  2. 对于每个可能的输入文件,仅为该文件创建一个唯一的代码。 发送

第 1 步:计算频率。
步骤 2:沿着 trie 遍历,每次都输出符号 当到达一片叶子。

Given a file X.txt that we’d like to compress into X.huf:  
- Consider each b-bit symbol (e.g. 8-bit chunks, Unicode characters, etc.) of  
X.txt, counting occurrences of each of the 2 b possibilities, where b is the size  
of each symbol in bits.  
- Use Huffman code construction algorithm to create a decoding trie and  
encoding map. Store this trie at the beginning of X.huf.  
- Use encoding map to write codeword for each symbol of input into X.huf.  
To decompress X.huf:  
- Read in the decoding trie.  
- Repeatedly use the decoding trie’s longestPrefixOf operation until all bits in  
X.hug have been converted back to their uncompressed form.  


Key idea: Each codeword represents multiple symbols.

  • Start with ‘trivial’ codeword table where each codeword corresponds to
    one ASCII symbol.
  • Every time a codeword X is used, record a new codeword Y corresponding
    to X concatenated with the next symbol
  • 从“简单”码字表开始,其中每个码字对应
    一个 ASCII 符号。
  • 每使用一个码字X,记录一个对应的新码字Y
    到 X 与下一个符号连接。



  • 将公共符号表示为具有较少位的码字。
  • 使用诸如 Map<Character, BitSeq> 之类的东西进行压缩。
  • 使用 TrieMap<Character> 之类的东西进行解压缩。
  • 用单个码字表示多个符号。
  • 使用 TrieMap<Integer> 之类的东西进行压缩。
  • 使用诸如 Map<Character, SymbolSeq> 之类的东西进行解压缩。



Given a target bitstream B, what is the shortest bitstream C B that outputs B.

  • Definition: The Java-Kolmogorov complexity K J (B) is the length of the
    shortest Java program (in bytes) that generates B.
    ○ There IS an answer. It just might be very hard to find.
  1. 柯尔莫哥洛夫复杂度实际上与语言无关。
  • 对于任何比特流,Java-Kolmogorov 复杂度不超过 大于 Python-Kolmogorov 复杂度的常数因子。—— I could just write a Python interpreter in Java and then run Kevin’s program.
    ○ K J (B) ≤ K P (B) + size(python interpreter)
  1. It is impossible to write a program that calculates the Kolmogorov
    Complexity of any bitstream. Proof available here



  • 是否存在大小为 k 的独立集合?
  • 即,k 个顶点的颜色为红色,这样就没有接触。
Give an algorithm for solving this problem.  
- For each of the possible 2 N colorings:  
○ Check if number of colored vertices is equal to k: O(N)  
○ For every red vertex, check that neighbors are all white: O(k*N)  
○ If both checks succeed, return true.  
○ If either check fails, go on to next coloring.  
- Runtime: O(k*N*2 N ). Since k ≤ N, O(N 2 *2 N )  


We say that a problem is in the complexity class P if:

  • It is a decision problem.
  • An answer can be found in O(N k ) time for some k

We say that a problem is in the complexity class NP if:

  • It is a decision problem.
  • A “yes” answer can be verified in O(N k ) time for some k. More precisely, we
    can verify a specific example of a “yes” answer in O(N k ) time

Many (most?) practical problems can be cast as a problem in NP:

  • Is there a way to route my airplanes at a total cost of less than $1B/yr?
  • Is there a way to route the wires inside this microchip with a total path
    length of less than 1 micrometer?
  • Given Z, are there two primes such that X*Y = Z?
  • Is there a protein configuration for amino acid sequence X whose total
    energy is less than Y?

Nice features of P:

  • O(N k ) is closed under addition and multiplication.
    ○ Run two P algorithms, overall still in P.
    ○ Run a P algorithm in N times, still in P

  • 83%:P ≠ NP(126 名受访者)
  • 9%:P = NP(12 名受访者)
  • 9%:其他(13 名受访者)
“[针对我们现在所说的 NP 完全问题的线性或二次时间过程将会产生]最严重的后果。[对于这样的程序]将 明确表明,尽管Entscheidungs问题无法解决,数学家在回答是或否问题时的脑力劳动可以是完全被机器取代了。”  ——库尔特·哥德尔  


  • 基于对象的编程:围绕对象进行组织。

  • 面向对象编程:
    ○ 接口继承。
    ○ 实现继承。

  • 动态类型与静态类型。

  • 泛型编程,例如ArrayList<Integer>等。

  • 内存模型是包含位的盒子。

  • 正整数的位表示。

  • java

  • 一些标准的编程习惯/模式:
    ○ 作为函数容器的对象(例如比较器、IntUnaryFunctions)。
    ○ 接口中的默认方法规范(链接)。
    ○ 迭代器和视图(例如keySet)。

  • Java 中重要的数据结构

  • java.util.Collection(及其子类型)。
    ○ 特别强调 Map(及其子类型)。

  • 我们自己的集合(例如Map61B、Deque):实际上并没有扩展集合。

  • 运行时间分析

  • 数据结构
    Array-Based Data Structures:

  • ArrayLists and ArrayDeque

  • HashSets, HashMaps, MyHashMap: Arrays of ‘buckets’

  • ArrayHeap (tree represented as an array)
    Linked Data Structures

  • Linked Lists
    ○ LinkedList, IntList, LinkedListDeque, SLList, DLList

  • Trees: Hierarchical generalization of a linked list. Aim for bushiness.
    ○ TreeSet, TreeMap, BSTMap, Tries (trie links often stored as arrays)

  • Graphs: Generalization of a tree (including many algorithms).

  • 编程实践

  • Java 语法和习惯用法。

  • JUnit 测试(及其更极端的形式:测试驱动开发)。

  • 挖掘网络代码。

  • 调试:
    ○ 确定受错误影响的最简单的情况。
    ○ 追捕它,让它无处藏身。
    ○ 有了正确的方法,即使通过查找bug也能找到bug
    手动代码检查是不可能的(参见lab3中的Horrible Steve)。

  • 真正的工具:IntelliJ、git、命令行、Maven

  • 数据结构选择(和API设计)
    ○ 推动整个计划的绩效和实施。

  • 使用复杂的 API、规范:项目 2 和项目 3
    ○ 项目 3 还涉及与现有代码库的交互。

  • 其他

  • 霍夫曼编码,以及霍夫曼编码的数据结构选择。

  • 其他方法:LZW 和游程编码(额外的幻灯片)。

  • 观察:比特流的最佳压缩将提供 该位流的有用模型(例如,hugPlant.bmp -> HugPlant.java)。

  • 不可能:为任何输入找到最佳压缩的算法。

  • 棘手问题:3SAT、独立集、NP 完备性。
    ○ P = NP 吗? “是”的答案具有戏剧性的意义。




private Node removeMin(K key, Node p) {  
        if (p.left == null) {  
            return p.right;  
        p.left = removeMin(key, p.left);  
        return p;  
package lab9;    
import java.util.Iterator;    
import java.util.Set;    
import java.util.HashSet;    
 * Implementation of interface Map61B with BST as core data structure. * * @author Your name here    
 */public class BSTMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V> implements Map61B<K, V> {    
    private int size=0;    
    private class Node {    
        /* (K, V) pair stored in this Node. */    
        private K key;    
        private V value;    
        /* Children of this Node. */    
        private Node left;    
        private Node right;    
        private Node(K k, V v) {    
            key = k;    
            value = v;    
        private boolean isEmpty() {    
            return !(left==null && right==null);    
    private Node root;  /* Root node of the tree. */    
    /* Creates an empty BSTMap. */    public BSTMap() {    
    /* Removes all of the mappings from this map. */    
    public void clear() {    
        root = null;    
        size = 0;    
    /** Returns the value mapped to by KEY in the subtree rooted in P.    
     *  or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.     */    private V getHelper(K key, Node p) {    
        if (p==null) return null;    
        if (key.compareTo(p.key)==0) return p.value;    
        if (p.key.compareTo(key)>0) {    
            return getHelper(key,p.left);    
        else return getHelper(key,p.right);    
    /** Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this    
     *  map contains no mapping for the key.     */    @Override    
    public V get(K key) {    
        V val=getHelper(key,this.root);    
        return val;    
    /** Returns a BSTMap rooted in p with (KEY, VALUE) added as a key-value mapping.    
      * Or if p is null, it returns a one node BSTMap containing (KEY, VALUE).     */    private Node putHelper(K key, V value, Node p) {    
        if (p==null) return new Node(key,value);    
        int compare=key.compareTo(p.key);    
        if (compare<0) p.left = putHelper(key,value,p.left);    
        else if (compare>0) p.right = putHelper(key,value,p.right);    
        else p.value=value;    
        return p;    
    /** Inserts the key KEY    
     *  If it is already present, updates value to be VALUE.     */    @Override    
    public void put(K key, V value) {    
        root = putHelper(key,value,this.root);    
    /* Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. */    
    public int size() {    
        return size;    
    //////////////// EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE IS OPTIONAL ////////////////    
    /* Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map. */    private void traverseAdd(Node p, Set<K> keys) {    
        if (p == null) {    
        traverseAdd(p.left, keys);    
        traverseAdd(p.right, keys);    
    public Set<K> keySet() {    
        Set<K> keys = new HashSet<>() {    
        traverseAdd(root, keys);    
        return keys;    
    /** Removes KEY from the tree if present    
     *  returns VALUE removed,     *  null on failed removal.     */    @Override    
    public V remove(K key) {    
        V val = get(key);    
        if (val == null || key == null) return null;    
        return val;    
    public Node remove_helper(Node x,K key) {    
        if (x == null) return null;    
        int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);    
        if      (cmp < 0) x.left  = remove_helper(x.left,  key);    
        else if (cmp > 0) x.right = remove_helper(x.right, key);    
        else {    
            if (x.right == null) return x.left;    
            if (x.left  == null) return x.right;    
            Node t = left_max(x.left);    
        return x;    
    /** Removes the key-value entry for the specified key only if it is    
     *  currently mapped to the specified value.  Returns the VALUE removed,     *  null on failed removal.     **/    public Node left_max(Node p) {    
        if (p==null) return null;    
        Node temp=p;    
        while (p.right!=null) {    
        return p;    
    public V remove(K key, V value) {    
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    
    public Iterator<K> iterator() {    
        return keySet().iterator();    
    private Node removeMin(K key, Node p) {  
        if (p.left == null) {  
            return p.right;  
        p.left = removeMin(key, p.left);  
        return p;  
    public static void main(String[] args) {    
        BSTMap<String, Integer> bstmap = new BSTMap<>();    
        bstmap.put("hello", 5);    
        bstmap.put("cat", 10);    
        bstmap.put("fish", 22);    
        bstmap.put("zebra", 90);    



        int hashCode = hash(key);    
        size -= buckets[hashCode].size;    
        buckets[hashCode].put(key, value);    
        size += buckets[hashCode].size;    
package lab9;    
import java.util.HashSet;    
import java.util.Iterator;    
import java.util.Set;    
 *  A hash table-backed Map implementation. Provides amortized constant time *  access to elements via get(), remove(), and put() in the best case. * *  @author Your name here    
 */public class MyHashMap<K, V> implements Map61B<K, V> {    
    private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 16;    
    private static int now_size=DEFAULT_SIZE;    
    private static final double MAX_LF = 0.75;    
    private ArrayMap<K, V>[] buckets;    
    private int size=0;    
    private int loadFactor() {    
        return size / buckets.length;    
    public MyHashMap() {    
        buckets = new ArrayMap[DEFAULT_SIZE];    
    public MyHashMap(int new_size) {    
        buckets = new ArrayMap[new_size];    
    /* Removes all of the mappings from this map. */    
    public void clear() {    
        this.size = 0;    
        for (int i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i += 1) {    
            this.buckets[i] = new ArrayMap<>();    
    /** Computes the hash function of the given key. Consists of    
     *  computing the hashcode, followed by modding by the number of buckets.     *  To handle negative numbers properly, uses floorMod instead of %.     */    private int hash(K key) {    
        if (key == null) {    
            return 0;    
        int numBuckets = buckets.length;    
        return Math.floorMod(key.hashCode(), numBuckets);    
    /* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this    
     * map contains no mapping for the key.     */    @Override    
    public V get(K key) {    
        if (key==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to get() is null");    
        return buckets[hash(key)].get(key);    
    /* Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. */    
    public void put(K key, V value) {    
        int hashCode = hash(key);    
        size -= buckets[hashCode].size;    
        buckets[hashCode].put(key, value);    
        size += buckets[hashCode].size;    
        if (loadFactor()>MAX_LF) {    
            MyHashMap<K, V> newHashMap = new MyHashMap<>(now_size);    
            for (ArrayMap<K, V> bucket : buckets) {    
                for (K one_key : bucket) {    
                    newHashMap.put(one_key, bucket.get(one_key));    
            this.buckets = newHashMap.buckets;    
            this.size = newHashMap.size;    
    /* Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. */    
    public int size() {    
        return size;    
    //////////////// EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE IS OPTIONAL ////////////////    
    /* Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map. */    @Override    
    public Set<K> keySet() {    
        Set<K> keys =new HashSet<>();    
        for (int i =0;i<buckets.length;i++) {    
        return keys;    
    /* Removes the mapping for the specified key from this map if exists.    
     * Not required for this lab. If you don't implement this, throw an     * UnsupportedOperationException. */    @Override    
    public V remove(K key) {    
        if (buckets[hash(key)].containsKey(key)) {    
            V val = buckets[hash(key)].get(key);    
            return val;    
        else return null;    
    /* Removes the entry for the specified key only if it is currently mapped to    
     * the specified value. Not required for this lab. If you don't implement this,     * throw an UnsupportedOperationException.*/    @Override    
    public V remove(K key, V value) {    
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    
    public Iterator<K> iterator() {    
        return keySet().iterator();    


public class DepthFirstOrder {  
private boolean[] marked;  
private Stack<Integer> reversePostorder;  
public DepthFirstOrder(Digraph G) {  
reversePostorder = new Stack<Integer>();  
marked = new boolean[G.V()];  
for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) {  
if (!marked[v]) { dfs(G, v); }  
private void dfs(Digraph G, int v) {  
marked[v] = true;  
for (int w : G.adj(v)) {  
if (!marked[w]) { dfs(G, w); }  
public Iterable<Integer> reversePostorder()  
{ return reversePostorder; }  


public class ArrayHeap<T> implements ExtrinsicPQ<T> {    
    private Node[] contents;    
    private int size;    
    public ArrayHeap() {    
        contents = new ArrayHeap.Node[16];    
        /* Add a dummy item at the front of the ArrayHeap so that the getLeft,    
         * getRight, and parent methods are nicer. */        contents[0] = null;    
        /* Even though there is an empty spot at the front, we still consider    
         * the size to be 0 since nothing has been inserted yet. */        size = 0;    
     * Returns the index of the node to the left of the node at i.     */    private static int leftIndex(int i) {    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
        return i*2;    
     * Returns the index of the node to the right of the node at i.     */    private static int rightIndex(int i) {    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
        return i*2+1;    
     * Returns the index of the node that is the parent of the node at i.     */    private static int parentIndex(int i) {    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
        return (int) i/2;    
     * Gets the node at the ith index, or returns null if the index is out of     * bounds.     */    private Node getNode(int index) {    
        if (!inBounds(index)) {    
            return null;    
        return contents[index];    
     * Returns true if the index corresponds to a valid item. For example, if     * we have 5 items, then the valid indices are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Index 0 is     * invalid because we leave the 0th entry blank.     */    private boolean inBounds(int index) {    
        if ((index > size) || (index < 1)) {    
            return false;    
        return true;    
     * Swap the nodes at the two indices.     */    private void swap(int index1, int index2) {    
        Node node1 = getNode(index1);    
        Node node2 = getNode(index2);    
        contents[index1] = node2;    
        contents[index2] = node1;    
     * Returns the index of the node with smaller priority. Precondition: not     * both nodes are null.     */    private int min(int index1, int index2) {    
        Node node1 = getNode(index1);    
        Node node2 = getNode(index2);    
        if (node1 == null) {    
            return index2;    
        } else if (node2 == null) {    
            return index1;    
        } else if (node1.myPriority < node2.myPriority) {    
            return index1;    
        } else {    
            return index2;    
     * Bubbles up the node currently at the given index.     */    private void swim(int index) {    
        // Throws an exception if index is invalid. DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE.    
        /** TODO: Your code here. */    
        while (index!=1 && min(index,parentIndex(index))==index) {    
     * Bubbles down the node currently at the given index.     */    private void sink(int index) {    
        // Throws an exception if index is invalid. DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE.    
        /** TODO: Your code here. */    
        if (inBounds(rightIndex(index))) {    
            int min_index=min(leftIndex(index),rightIndex(index));    
            if (min(index,min_index)==min_index) {    
        } else if (inBounds(leftIndex(index))) {    
            int min_index = leftIndex(index);    
            if (min(index,min_index)==min_index) {    
     * Inserts an item with the given priority value. This is enqueue, or offer.     * To implement this method, add it to the end of the ArrayList, then swim it.     */    @Override    
    public void insert(T item, double priority) {    
        /* If the array is totally full, resize. */    
        if (size + 1 == contents.length) {    
            resize(contents.length * 2);    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
        contents[size+1]=new Node(item,priority);    
     * Returns the Node with the smallest priority value, but does not remove it     * from the heap. To implement this, return the item in the 1st position of the ArrayList.     */    @Override    
    public T peek() {    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
        return contents[1].myItem;    
     * Returns the Node with the smallest priority value, and removes it from     * the heap. This is dequeue, or poll. To implement this, swap the last     * item from the heap into the root position, then sink the root. This is     * equivalent to firing the president of the company, taking the last     * person on the list on payroll, making them president, and then demoting     * them repeatedly. Make sure to avoid loitering by nulling out the dead     * item.     */    @Override    
    public T removeMin() {    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
        T val=peek();    
        return val;    
     * Returns the number of items in the PQ. This is one less than the size     * of the backing ArrayList because we leave the 0th element empty. This     * method has been implemented for you.     */    @Override    
    public int size() {    
        return size;    
     * Change the node in this heap with the given item to have the given     * priority. You can assume the heap will not have two nodes with the same     * item. Check item equality with .equals(), not ==. This is a challenging     * bonus problem, but shouldn't be too hard if you really understand heaps     * and think about the algorithm before you start to code.     */    @Override    
    public void changePriority(T item, double priority) {    
        /* TODO: Your code here! */    
    public void changePriority_helper(T item, double priority,int index) {    
        if (!inBounds(index)) return;    
        if (contents[index].myItem.equals(item)) contents[index].myPriority=priority;    
            changePriority_helper(item, priority,leftIndex(index));    
     * Prints out the heap sideways. Provided for you.     */    @Override    
    public String toString() {    
        return toStringHelper(1, "");    
    /* Recursive helper method for toString. */    
    private String toStringHelper(int index, String soFar) {    
        if (getNode(index) == null) {    
            return "";    
        } else {    
            String toReturn = "";    
            int rightChild = rightIndex(index);    
            toReturn += toStringHelper(rightChild, "        " + soFar);    
            if (getNode(rightChild) != null) {    
                toReturn += soFar + "    /";    
            toReturn += "\n" + soFar + getNode(index) + "\n";    
            int leftChild = leftIndex(index);    
            if (getNode(leftChild) != null) {    
                toReturn += soFar + "    \\";    
            toReturn += toStringHelper(leftChild, "        " + soFar);    
            return toReturn;    
     * Throws an exception if the index is invalid for sinking or swimming.     */    private void validateSinkSwimArg(int index) {    
        if (index < 1) {    
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot sink or swim nodes with index 0 or less");    
        if (index > size) {    
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot sink or swim nodes with index greater than current size.");    
        if (contents[index] == null) {    
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot sink or swim a null node.");    
    private class Node {    
        private T myItem;    
        private double myPriority;    
        private Node(T item, double priority) {    
            myItem = item;    
            myPriority = priority;    
        public T item(){    
            return myItem;    
        public double priority() {    
            return myPriority;    
        public String toString() {    
            return myItem.toString() + ", " + myPriority;    
    /** Helper function to resize the backing array when necessary. */    
    private void resize(int capacity) {    
        Node[] temp = new ArrayHeap.Node[capacity];    
        for (int i = 1; i < this.contents.length; i++) {    
            temp[i] = this.contents[i];    
        this.contents = temp;    



  • 保留“移动序列”的优先级队列。
  • 从 PQ 中删除“最佳”移动序列,我们称之为 BMS。
  • 令 F 为 BMS 中的最后一个状态。
  • 如果 F 是目标状态,则完成,因此返回 BMS。
  • 如果F不是目标,则对于F的每个邻居N,创建一个由BMS + N组成的新移动序列并将其放入PQ中。

该算法也称为 A*搜索算法

public class Solver {    
    int times = 0;    
    SearchNode final_node;    
    private class SearchNode implements Comparable<SearchNode>  {    
        private WorldState now_state;    
        private int mov_times = 0;    
        private SearchNode ref_state;    
        public SearchNode(WorldState ws,int times,SearchNode ref) {    
        public int compareTo(SearchNode o) {    
            return this.mov_times+now_state.estimatedDistanceToGoal()-o.mov_times-o.now_state.estimatedDistanceToGoal();    
    public Solver(WorldState initial) {    
        MinPQ<SearchNode> pq = new MinPQ<>();    
        pq.insert(new SearchNode(initial,0,null));    
        while (true) {    
            SearchNode a_node = pq.delMin();    
            if (a_node.now_state.isGoal()) {    
            for (WorldState nb : a_node.now_state.neighbors()) {    
                if (a_node.ref_state == null || !nb.equals(a_node.ref_state.now_state)) pq.insert(new SearchNode(nb, a_node.mov_times + 1, a_node));    
    public int moves() {    
        return final_node.mov_times;    
    public Iterable<WorldState> solution() {    
        int movTimes = final_node.mov_times;    
        List<WorldState> ret = new ArrayList<>();    
        SearchNode temp= final_node;    
        while (temp.ref_state != null) {    
        return ret;    


public MazeDepthFirstPaths(Maze m, int sourceX, int sourceY, int targetX, int targetY) {    
    maze = m;    
    s = maze.xyTo1D(sourceX, sourceY);    
    t = maze.xyTo1D(targetX, targetY);    
    distTo[s] = 0;    
    edgeTo[s] = s;    
private void dfs(int v) {    
    marked[v] = true;    
    if (v == t) {    
        targetFound = true;    
    if (targetFound) {    
    for (int w : maze.adj(v)) {    
        if (!marked[w]) {    
            edgeTo[w] = v;    
            distTo[w] = distTo[v] + 1;    
            if (targetFound) {    
private void bfs() {    
    // TODO: Your code here. Don't forget to update distTo, edgeTo, and marked, as well as call announce()    
    ArrayDeque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(maze.V());    
    for (int v = 0; v < maze.V(); v++) {    
        distTo[v] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;    
    distTo[s] = 0;    
    marked[s] = true;    
    while (!q.isEmpty()) {    
        int v = q.remove();    
        for (int w : maze.adj(v)) {    
            if (!marked[w]) {    
                edgeTo[w] = v;    
                distTo[w] = distTo[v] + 1;    
                marked[w] = true;    


private static <Item extends Comparable> Item getMin(    
        Queue<Item> q1, Queue<Item> q2) {    
    if (q1.isEmpty()) {    
        return q2.dequeue();    
    } else if (q2.isEmpty()) {    
        return q1.dequeue();    
    } else {    
        // Peek at the minimum item in each queue (which will be at the front, since the    
        // queues are sorted) to determine which is smaller.        Comparable q1Min = q1.peek();    
        Comparable q2Min = q2.peek();    
        if (q1Min.compareTo(q2Min) <= 0) {    
            // Make sure to call dequeue, so that the minimum item gets removed.    
            return q1.dequeue();    
        } else {    
            return q2.dequeue();    
/** Returns a queue of queues that each contain one item from items. */    
private static <Item extends Comparable> Queue<Queue<Item>>    
        makeSingleItemQueues(Queue<Item> items) {    
    // Your code here!    
    Queue<Queue<Item>> qq = new Queue<>();    
    for (Item it:items) {    
        Queue<Item> qe= new Queue<>();    
    return  qq;    
 * Returns a new queue that contains the items in q1 and q2 in sorted order. * * This method should take time linear in the total number of items in q1 and q2.  After * running this method, q1 and q2 will be empty, and all of their items will be in the * returned queue. * * @param   q1  A Queue in sorted order from least to greatest.    
 * @param   q2  A Queue in sorted order from least to greatest.    
 * @return      A Queue containing all of the q1 and q2 in sorted order, from least to    
 *              greatest. * */private static <Item extends Comparable> Queue<Item> mergeSortedQueues(    
        Queue<Item> q1, Queue<Item> q2) {    
    // Your code here!    
    Queue<Item> qi = new Queue<>();    
    while (!q1.isEmpty() || !q2.isEmpty()) {    
    return  qi;    
/** Returns a Queue that contains the given items sorted from least to greatest. */    
public static <Item extends Comparable> Queue<Item> mergeSort(    
        Queue<Item> items) {    
    // Your code here!    
    if (items.size()==1) return items;    
    Queue<Queue<Item>> temp = makeSingleItemQueues(items);    
    while (temp.size() > 1) {    
            Queue<Item> lft = temp.dequeue();    
            Queue<Item> rht = temp.dequeue();    
            Queue<Item> q = mergeSortedQueues(lft,rht);    
    return temp.dequeue();    


private static <Item extends Comparable> void partition(    
        Queue<Item> unsorted, Item pivot,    
        Queue<Item> less, Queue<Item> equal, Queue<Item> greater) {    
    // Your code here!    
    while (!unsorted.isEmpty()) {    
        Item it = unsorted.dequeue();    
        if (it.compareTo(pivot)< 0) less.enqueue(it);    
        else if (it.compareTo(pivot)==0) equal.enqueue(it);    
        else greater.enqueue(it);    
/** Returns a Queue that contains the given items sorted from least to greatest. */    
public static <Item extends Comparable> Queue<Item> quickSort(    
        Queue<Item> items) {    
    // Your code here!    
    Item piv = getRandomItem(items);    
    Queue<Item> less = new Queue<>();    
    Queue<Item> equal = new Queue<>();    
    Queue<Item> greater = new Queue<>();    
    if (!less.isEmpty()) less = quickSort(less);    
    if (!greater.isEmpty()) greater=quickSort(greater);    
    return catenate(catenate(less,equal),greater);    


 public static int[] betterCountingSort(int[] arr) {    
        // TODO make counting sort work with arrays containing negative numbers.    
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;    
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;    
        int neg = 0;    
        for (int i : arr) {    
            if (i<0) neg++;    
            max = Math.max(max, i);    
            min = Math.min(min, i);    
        int[] posicounts = new int[max + 1];    
        if (min < 0) {    
            int[] negacounts = new int[-min + 1];    
            for (int i : arr) {    
                if (i >= 0) posicounts[i]++;    
                else negacounts[-i]++;    
            int[] negsorted = new int[neg];    
            int k = 0;    
            for (int i = -min ; i >0 ; i -= 1) {    
                for (int j = 0; j < negacounts[i]; j += 1, k += 1) {    
                    negsorted[k] = -i;    
            int[] posisorted = new int[arr.length - neg];    
            for (int i = 0; i < posicounts.length; i += 1) {    
                for (int j = 0; j < posicounts[i]; j += 1, k += 1) {    
                    posisorted[k] = i;    
            int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(negsorted,  posisorted.length + negsorted.length);    
            System.arraycopy(posisorted, 0, result, posisorted.length, negsorted.length);    
            return result;    
        else {    
            for (int i: arr) {    
            int[] sorted = new int[arr.length];    
            int k = 0;    
            for (int i = 0; i < posicounts.length; i += 1) {    
                for (int j = 0; j < posicounts[i]; j += 1, k += 1) {    
                    sorted[k] = i;    
            return sorted;    


public static int[] betterCountingSort(int[] arr) {  
        int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;  
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;  
        for (int i : arr) {  
            max = max > i ? max : i;  
            min = min < i ? min : i;  
        int[] counts = new int[max - min + 1];  
        for (int i : arr) {  
            counts[i - min]++;  
        int[] starts = new int[max - min + 1];  
        int pos = 0;  
        for (int i = 0; i < starts.length; i += 1) {  
            starts[i] = pos;  
            pos += counts[i];  
        int[] sorted = new int[arr.length];  
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {  
            int item = arr[i];  
            int place = starts[item - min];  
            sorted[place] = item;  
            starts[item - min] += 1;  
        return sorted;  


public static String[] sort(String[] asciis) {    
    // TODO: Implement LSD Sort    
    String[] result = new String[asciis.length];    
    String[] temp = asciis.clone();    
    int max =Integer.MIN_VALUE;    
    for (String str:asciis) {    
        if (max < str.length()) max = str.length();    
    for (int i = max-1; i >=0; i--) {    
        temp = sortHelperLSD(temp, i);    
    return temp;    
 * LSD helper method that performs a destructive counting sort the array of * Strings based off characters at a specific index. * @param asciis Input array of Strings    
 * @param index The position to sort the Strings on.    
 */private static String[] sortHelperLSD(String[] asciis, int index) {    
    // Optional LSD helper method for required LSD radix sort    
    String[] tempstrs = asciis;    
    String[] result = new String[asciis.length];    
    int[] indexes = new int[256];    
    for (String str : tempstrs) {    
        if (str.length() - 1 < index) {    
        else {    
            char ch = str.charAt(index);    
            indexes[(int) ch]++;    
    int pos = 0;    
    int[] starts = new int[256];    
    for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i += 1) {    
        starts[i] = pos;    
        pos += indexes[i];    
    for (String str:tempstrs) {    
        if (str.length() -1 < index) {    
            int place = starts[0];    
            result[place] = str;    
            starts[0] += 1;    
        else {    
            int place = starts[str.charAt(index)];    
            result[place] = str;    
            starts[str.charAt(index)] += 1;    
    return result;    


public  double energy(int x, int y) {    
    if (x<0 || x>= width() || y< 0 || y>= height()) throw  new IndexOutOfBoundsException();    
    int lft = x-1 < 0 ? width()-1 : x-1;    
    int rht = x+1 >= width() ? 0 : x+1;    
    int up = y-1 < 0 ? height()-1 : y-1;    
    int down = y+1 >= height() ? 0 : y+1;    
    Picture pic =this.picture();    
    double detx = Math.pow((pic.get(rht,y).getRed()-pic.get(lft,y).getRed()),2)  +Math.pow((pic.get(rht,y).getBlue()-pic.get(lft,y).getBlue()),2)    
    double dety = Math.pow((pic.get(x,up).getRed()-pic.get(x,down).getRed()),2)  +Math.pow((pic.get(x,up).getBlue()-pic.get(x,down).getBlue()),2)    
    return detx +dety;    
public  int[] findVerticalSeam() {    
    double[][] en = new double[width()][height()];    
    int[][] path =new int[width()][height()];    
    for (int i =0;i<width();i++) {    
        for (int j= 0;j<height();j++) {    
            en[i][j] = energy(i,j);    
    double[][] M = new double[width()][height()];    
    for (int i =0;i< width();i++) {    
        M[i][0] = en[i][0];    
    for (int j = 1;j < height();j++) {    
        M[0][j] = min(M[1][j-1],M[0][j-1]);    
        if (M[0][j] == M[1][j-1]) path[0][j] = 1;    
        else path[0][j]=0;    
        M[width()-1][j] = min(M[width()-1][j-1],M[width()-2][j-1]);    
        if (M[width()-1][j] == M[width()-1][j-1]) path[width()-1][j] = 0;    
        else path[0][j]=-1;    
        for (int i =1;i<=width()-2;i++) {    
            M[i][j] =  min(min(M[i-1][j-1],M[i][j-1]),M[i+1][j-1]);    
            if (M[i][j] == M[i-1][j-1]) path[i][j]=-1;    
            else if (M[i][j] == M[i][j-1]) path[i][j] = 0;    
            else path[i][j] = 1;    
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;    
    int xindex = 0;int yindex = height()-1;    
    for (int i = 0;i<width();i++){    
        min = Math.min(min, M[i][height() - 1]);    
        if (min == M[i][height()-1]) xindex = i;    
    int[] finalpath =new int[height()];    
    while (yindex>=0) {    
        finalpath[yindex] = xindex;    
    return finalpath;    